Friday, August 7, 2009

Podcasts and Readings...

I'm excited to try some of the things that we've learned. I subscribed to a couple of NPR podcasts- "Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me" and "Prairie Home Companion". I'm looking forward to listening to them at my leisure, rather than trying to catch them on the radio. I also like the idea of using the exercise podcasts to jump start my workouts.

On an education level, I'm looking forward to further exploration of podcasting. I'm excited to try making them with students, as well as finding appropriate ones for them to listen to. I found a great one called "Stories for Kids" which had different skills embedded to focus on: reading comprehension, compare and contrast, etc.

On another note- I really found the article "Three Stars and a Chili Pepper: Social Software, Folksonomy, and User Reviews" interesting. I've never really trusted the user reviews, and I'm not sure why. I think because I've never posted one, I sort of assumed that the only people who did were a little wacky. Now I will look at them a little differently.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Working on My Project

I finally pulled myself away from the pictures long enough to get to work. I have been working on creating a Wiki for my second grade team to use this year.

I did manage to use lots of the things that I've learned to create the Wiki. I included my favorite new things, a Wordle and Photo Peach slide shows.

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's projects tomorrow!

I know I should be doing something else, but I LOVE PhotoPeach!

Here is a slideshow that I created of the Rehearsal BBQ for Shelly's wedding. We had a great time at my aunt and uncle's place in the Great State of Iowa. We didn't let a little rain get us down.

Now I need to move on to my project....

BBQ At The Holler on PhotoPeach

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My First Photo Peach Slide Show!

This is a slide show of my cousin's wedding in CT. My niece was the adorable flower girl!

Ben and Kristen's Wedding on PhotoPeach

It seemed like it took me all day to do this, but now I think I have the hang of it. This is definitely something I will be able to do, whether it is with pictures of my class or just to share pictures with my far-flung family members.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Podcasts and Wordle!

My favorite things that we've learned so far are the podcasts and wordle. I loved finding so many free podcasts out there. I hate to admit my ignorance, as I probably should have known about them, but I'm excited for the possibilities...

I can see using podcasting to help children with reading fluency. We used to "tape" them reading and play it back. Now that technology is outdated and this seems the wave of the future. It would also be useful to use podcasts to share information, when they do research on a variety of topics.

The article, "Listening to Themselves: Podcasting Takes Lessons Beyond the Classroom" reminded me of the point that our goal is to help children communicate clearly, not just impress people with cool stuff. Keeping this in mind will help me figure out how to use things that I am learning in a genuine way with my students, their families and my colleagues.

I'm also loving WORDLE! Now I'm trying to figure out how to embed one that I made into my blog. Stay tuned!

Response to "Wiki, Don't Lose That Number..."

Now that I've had a snack, I'm ready to be on task...

I read the article, "Wiki, Don't Lose that Number." I was drawn to that article because it spoke of "low-level" ideas for using wikis. I am definitely not tech savvy. I know how to do the basics, but not much more. I do see, however, that wikis would be an easy thing to do with the adult community to make work easier. The idea that the author spoke of to use a wiki to brainstorm grant ideas struck me. I definitely think my team would benefit from this

Monday, August 3, 2009

It's almost time for lunch!

This is my first blog- I'm not sure anyone needs to hear from me, but I am loving listening to Pandora, and am looking forward to my leftover pizza for lunch!