Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My First Photo Peach Slide Show!

This is a slide show of my cousin's wedding in CT. My niece was the adorable flower girl!

Ben and Kristen's Wedding on PhotoPeach

It seemed like it took me all day to do this, but now I think I have the hang of it. This is definitely something I will be able to do, whether it is with pictures of my class or just to share pictures with my far-flung family members.


  1. Mine took me all day too! But the hard work paid off. I'd like to know how you coordinated your blog page colors with the slideshow colors...

    ¡Super bueno!

  2. I agree. It's amazing how time consuming these projects are. I bet it'll get better the more we do them. Nice job. Your niece is adorable!
