Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Response to "Wiki, Don't Lose That Number..."

Now that I've had a snack, I'm ready to be on task...

I read the article, "Wiki, Don't Lose that Number." I was drawn to that article because it spoke of "low-level" ideas for using wikis. I am definitely not tech savvy. I know how to do the basics, but not much more. I do see, however, that wikis would be an easy thing to do with the adult community to make work easier. The idea that the author spoke of to use a wiki to brainstorm grant ideas struck me. I definitely think my team would benefit from this

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, I was thinking yesterday about how I could use wikis with my 4th grade team in planning common assessments and in the committee work I did last year. It's so hard getting a group of adults in a room together, using a wiki to plan logistical things with a large staff sounds dreamy...
