Friday, August 7, 2009

Podcasts and Readings...

I'm excited to try some of the things that we've learned. I subscribed to a couple of NPR podcasts- "Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me" and "Prairie Home Companion". I'm looking forward to listening to them at my leisure, rather than trying to catch them on the radio. I also like the idea of using the exercise podcasts to jump start my workouts.

On an education level, I'm looking forward to further exploration of podcasting. I'm excited to try making them with students, as well as finding appropriate ones for them to listen to. I found a great one called "Stories for Kids" which had different skills embedded to focus on: reading comprehension, compare and contrast, etc.

On another note- I really found the article "Three Stars and a Chili Pepper: Social Software, Folksonomy, and User Reviews" interesting. I've never really trusted the user reviews, and I'm not sure why. I think because I've never posted one, I sort of assumed that the only people who did were a little wacky. Now I will look at them a little differently.

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